Conditions for Approval:

    1. Complete application

    2. Attach all required supporting documentation

    3. Submit to Utah State Fire Marshal's Office

    Revocation of Permit:

    The State Fire Marshal’s Office is authorized to suspend or revoke a permit when:

    1. The permit has been used by a person other than the person to whom the permit was issued.
    2. The permit has been used for a location other than that for which it was issued.
    3. Any of the conditions or limitations set forth in the permit have been violated.
    4. The applicant failed, refused or neglected to comply with orders or notices duly served in accordance with the provisions of this code within the time provided therein.
    5. There has been a false statement or misrepresentation as to a material fact in the application or plans on which the permit or application was based.
    6. The permit was issued in error or in violation of an ordinance, regulation or the code.

    Permitted uses shall conform to all applicable requirements of the International Fire Code, and other pertinent laws and ordinances. Construction or use shall not commence prior to issuance of the permit.