Division of State Security

Utah DPS state security logo
A map showing the state of Utah broken into 8 regions for state security


The State Security Division is tasked with establishing recommendations and best practices regarding school safety and security through partnerships with the State Board of Education, School Safety Center, county sheriffs, local law enforcement, and local education agencies. Through engaged partnerships we will strive to make schools in Utah a safe and secure learning environment.



Providing a safe and secure environment statewide through professional service and engaged partnerships.



To provide a safe and secure environment to learn, work, and recreate statewide.



  • Professional
    • Providing a safe and secure environment statewide through professional service and engaged partnerships.
  • Collaborative
    • We will strive to collaborate with stakeholders across the state to foster ideas and innovative solutions to address individual needs while meeting state statutory requirements.
  • Innovative
    • Be innovative with solutions to individualize environments and conditions.